The Year 10 exams begin the week beginning 19th June 2017. Your subject teacher will provide you with advice and materials on how best to revise for their subject. Sam Learning tasks could also help with both your exam. You can also access the revision guides here.
The year 10 students will be on study leave during this week and will return to school on Tuesday 27th June.
The examination timetable will be made available ASAP.
Please see the Presentation below for tips and techniques on how to revise.
YR 10 Revision techniques
Revision_timetable (PDF)
English Language – See attached help sheet
English Language
English Literature – See Inspector Calls PowerPoint
An Inspector Calls revision
Physical Education
Paper 1 – Skeleton, Muscles, Movements, Levers, Respiratory system, Gas Exchange, Blood Vessels, Heart Structure and Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy
Paper 2 – Skill and Ability, SMART Targets, Information Processing Model, Methods of Guidance, Types of Feedback, Arousal, Methods to control arousal, Personality and Motivation
The topic they need to revise for their end of year exam is Weimar and Nazi Germany and the relevant content is listed below
- The Weimar Republic: Origins of the Republic; Challenges to the Republic from right wing and left wing groups; The French occupation of the Ruhr and hyperinflation; The recovery of the Republic – Stresemann and the ‘Golden Years’ ; Changes in society 1924 -29
- Hitler’s rise to power : Early Nazi Party;the Munich Putsch and the lean years;Growth in Nazi support 1929-32;How Hitler became Chancellor
- Nazi control and dictatorship: The creation of a dictatorship;The police state; Propaganda,Controlling and influencing attitudes; Opposition and resistance to the Nazis
- Life in Nazi Germany: Nazi policies towards women and the young, employment and living standards; The persecution of minorities
The exam will consist of 3 papers, each out of 80 marks, each 1 hour 30 minutes.
Paper 1 is NON-CALCULATOR. Paper 2 and 3 are CALCULATOR allowed.
You will be given a set of practice papers to complete as your half term homework to kick start your revision. You can use with your personal log-in details (e.g. 13bevanj@chauncy password: chauncy) to watch whichever videos you like and practice the interactive questions. You can use with the school log-in details (chauncy password: charts4) and watch the online lessons and do the practice worksheets.
There are plenty of other online resources available such as SAM Learning, Doddle, BBC Bitesize, Khan Academy… to help you prepare.
Below are some topics that will be tested in the exam. This is to get you started – it is not a list of every topic on the exam! Because it is a full set of papers, there will be some topics you haven’t learnt yet (like simultaneous equations) but you will have covered most of the material already.
- Fractions
- Percentages
- Ratios
- Solving Equations
- Pythagoras
- Trigonometry (SOHCAHTOA)
- Averages
- Angles
- Probability Trees
- Standard Form
- Sequences
- Brackets
- Graphs
- Ratio
- Trigonometry
- Speed-Distance-Time
- Histograms
- Box plots
- Standard Form
- Probability Trees
- Brackets
- Fractions
- Indices
- Percentages
Eduqas GCSE drama revision – component 3
Written exam
Section A
Revise themes, character and content of DNA. Look at your packs and notes of what we have covered in class. The questions for this component will cover your knowledge of the play in terms of an actor, designer and director.
Section B
Live theatre – look at your notes for a recent theatre production and be prepared to answer a question on how acting, or production values communicates meaning to an audience. The most recent being Splendid Productions’ ‘The Odyssey’.
Look at BBC bitesize GCSE drama to help remind you of the production values that can be evaluated e.g costume, lighting, props.
Showcase component 1 and 2
Practical performance
- Learn your lines!
- Rehearse with your group.
- Develop your character with costume and props.
- Develop your character by researching the background of your character, experimenting with voice, body language, facial expression and gesture.
Computer Science
Topic list for Computer Science
1 Fundamentals of algorithms
2 Programming
3 Fundamentals of data representation
4 Computer systems
5 Fundamentals of computer networks
6 Fundamentals of cyber security
7 Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology
How to revise for GCSE computer science
PLCs for the four units that Year 10 need to revise for their end of year test – it is the physical paper called; Our Natural World. (Page numbers link to the Green CGP revision guides which they can purchase from the Geography Department for £3)
Topic 1 – Global Hazards PLC
Topic 2 – Climate Change PLC
Topic 3 – Distinctive Landscapes
Topic 4 Sustaining Ecosystems PLC
Food preparation and nutrition
Written exam linked to following subject areas – Pasta, Pastry, Fruit and vegetables and Eggs
Modern Foreign Languages
Revision guide for yr 10 exams MFL