
SIXTH FORM INDUCTION Monday 29th June – Wednesday 1st July 2015

SIXTH FORM INDUCTION  Mon 29 June – Wed 1st July 2015

Now that your son/daughter has been offered a place in Sixth Form at Chauncy, I would like to let you know the process of induction that we carry out to make sure that the transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form is as smooth as possible.

This is a very important few days in terms of preparing students for the change in the approach to schooling that the Sixth Form entails and we expect to see all students attend. To allow us to begin planning I would appreciate the reply slip at the bottom being returned to me as soon as possible.

On the Monday all students should arrive at 8.50am for an introductory assembly in the hall. They will then be given their timetables for the 3 days. We are planning a team building event on the Monday, to finish with a barbeque at 1.30pm. Tuesday and Wednesday will be taster lesson sessions all day. Dress code for the three days is smart casual.

Please complete the accompanying form here: 6th Form Induction 2015 and return to the Sixth Form Office by Monday 15 June 2015

If you have any queries about Sixth Form Induction or any other related matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

P Ardiles (Mr) Head of Sixth Form