Ypres & Le Somme Battlefields Trip – September 2018
Dear Parent Carer,
We wish to remind parents that the trip to the Ypres and Le Somme Battlefields will be available to pay for at 10am on Thursday 1st February 2018.
Letters have been handed out during registration time and students were advised of the trip in their year group assembly. Copies of the letter and reply slips are attached here:
Ypres and Somme Trip Letter 2018
Ypres and Somme Reply Slip Sept 2018
This is always a popular trip with limited spaces and is always oversubscribed.
In order to be fair, we would like to remind parents that the initial deposit of £50.00 is payable online via Wisepay only. This initial deposit commits you to the trip and a second deposit payment of £50.00 in a month’s time. Or you may wish to pay the full £100 deposit on Thursday.
If the second £50.00 deposit is not paid in 4 weeks, we reserve the right to offer the place to another student on the reserve list.
Parents who are currently eligible for free school meals, or who are not now eligible, but have been eligible in the last 6 years will be eligible for assistance towards the cost of the trip. You will be required to pay a reduced deposit of £10.00 on Wisepay. If you have not already contacted the Finance Office to discuss this option, please call before Thursday on 01920 411200 oraccounts@chauncy.org.uk for more information with financial assistance.
If you require your login details, please contact the Finance Office on 01920 411200 or accounts@chauncy.org.uk as soon as possible to ensure you have the best chance of securing a place on Thursday.
Chauncy School Finance Office