Youth Speaks – Ware & Hertford Schools’ Heat
I am bowled over by my two teams tonight. Not only did we take first place in Ware and Hertford schools but we also nabbed second! Both of my groups will go through to the next heat – a first for Chauncy. The judges stated it was a ‘clear win for both Chauncy teams who had bundles of enthusiasm and charisma and knew their speech upside down and inside out’.
I admire their confidence and the audience did too.
The winning group comprised Jessica Clark, Gracie Clarke and Amelia Hewitt. They will go through to the next heat as deserved winners, they were astounding tonight.
Congratulations also to runners up Alana Romagnoli, Emily Challis and Josh Lill, they will also go through to the next heat.
Many thanks to the parents who attended and offered their support tonight – another outstanding Chauncy achievement.
Katie Huttlestone (Youth Speaks Coordinator)