Year Seven Revision

The Year 7 exams begin the week after half term commencing 7th June 2021. Students should use the half term break to prepare for these tests. Your subject teacher will provide you with advice and materials on how best to revise for their subject. Sam Learning tasks could also help with both your exam and independent learning target for your Chauncy Passport. You can also access the revision guides here.

The exams take place in normal lesson time. See below for the timetable.

Year 7 Exam Timetable (2021)

Revision_timetable_(Word 2010)
Revision_timetable (PDF)


Students have been working through key questions in class. These questions remain the same each year, so it is vital that you learn what will appear in the exam using various fiction and non-fiction passages to assist revision. Use this revision guide to help you prepare for your English exam. Could also read a book too!

Exam Reading paper tips 2021 (1)

War-Horse Y7 example paper 2021 only


You will be doing 1 test in class based on the topics you have covered in year 7. 

Revision Process:

  1. Identify which main topics that you need to concentrate on.
  2. Use the MathsWatch videos and assignments set by your teacher
  3. Read through revision guide for extra help on topics you are unsure of. – Maths Revision Guide – Yr7

Topics to Revise

Negative Numbers
Averages and Mean 
2D Shape
Expanding Brackets
Simplify Algebra
Rotational Symmetry. 

Use Maths Watch

 Centre ID: chauncyschool    

Username: School Login
e.g. 21smithj@chauncy

Password: chauncy

Year 7 Revision Links 2021 – SCIENCE

In addition you will be set an educake revision task. 
Work through your revision guides, answering the questions as you go.



Bonjour & Hola!

Please use the following Revision guides to help you study for your exam!

In addition you should also use Memrise! (specific links are on SMHW)

Year 7 Spanish Revision guide 2021

Year 7 revision guide French 2019


Please use the following Revision guides to help you study for your exam!

History Revision Year 7

History Revision Worksheet Year 7


Please use the following Revision guides to help you study for your exam!

Geography Revision Booklet – Yr7


The end of year exam is a combination of practical assessment across the year and end of unit tests.
For the written end of unit test students should use the SAM Learning activities on each topic to revise. They can be found under: Activities > KS3 > Music > Topic e.g. African drumming.


  1. Students will have a practical assessment which focuses on their ability to work as part of a team, their creativity, and their performance skills
  2. The second part will be a google form which tests their knowledge of topics explored throughout the year and key drama vocabulary


Religious Studies


Students in Year 7 will be tested on three units of study.  Firstly, they should know key terms referring to the nature of God. These are listed on the revision powerpoint.  They will also have to show an understanding of Hindu views about God.
Next they will need to remember the work we did on rites of passage.  This includes Baptism, Bar Mitzvah and Marriage (Christian, Hindu and Jewish weddings).  Finally, students should be aware of what communities are and some of the central features of communities.  Full details will be provided to students before the half term holiday. In addition, keywords can be studied using the Quizlet website or app.  Good luck!

Year 7 revision guide 2019 – RE