
Year Eleven Parents Evening – Thursday 2nd November 2017


I am writing to invite you to the Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 2nd November 2017.

This important event will be held from 5.00pm – 7.00pm in the School Hall. However, at the start of the evening Mrs Carey will be making a short fifteen minute presentation entitled “Preparing for GCSE Exams”. We know that parents find this useful and have made good use of the revision pack that is distributed at this session. This session will run at 4.40pm in the Drama Studio.

This period is of great importance in the life of every Year Eleven student with GCSE coursework deadlines, revision programmes and the exams themselves looming. I do hope that you will be able to take this opportunity to discuss your son or daughter’s progress with our staff. We would also be pleased to see the Year Eleven students attending with their parents.

We do want to see you, as you are crucial in helping us ensure that all of our students are able to achieve success in the summer.

In addition to your son or daughter’s teachers, Mrs Carey, Mr Walton, Mr O’Sullivan and I will be available to discuss any wider concerns.

I look forward to seeing you then.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Hayley Derrick (Year Eleven Learning Coordinator)