Wed 11th October – Early finish for students; late start on Thur 12th October
You may know that our Open Evening is on Wednesday 11th October. On that day school will finish at 12.25 pm in order to give staff sufficient time in which to prepare. In addition, school will start at 10.45 am on Thursday 12th.
A later start on Thursday will allow staff some time to rearrange rooms for the day’s lessons. Those who travel by school transport are welcome to arrive at the usual time and we will, of course, be pleased to see them and provide appropriate activities. I hope this will not prove inconvenient. We want all who come to enjoy themselves and understand why we are proud of our school.
Food will be available on Wednesday during break time. Some pupils will be asked to stay for the afternoon to help with preparations. Those who are coming to act as guides for our visitors must come in full school uniform. We anticipate that there will be a very large number of parents and junior school children in the building and so I am asking all our pupils who are not directly involved to stay away from school that evening as their presence could lead to overcrowding.
I should like to emphasise that the young people chosen to participate in the events of Open Evening are essential for its success. We recognise their enthusiasm and competence and believe they will give a good account of themselves and their school. I know that transport to and from school may be difficult for some and, if this is the case, please contact me and we will almost certainly be able to help.
Yours sincerely
Dennis O’Sullivan