Another potentially life changing day at Chauncy as the 18 year olds finally leave us.
We’ve enjoyed their company, tribulations, moods, tears and successes for 7 character-defining years.
The media will bleat about the number of university unconditional offers and how the exams are easier than when Michael Gove was temporarily a child. Whatever they headline, today is about how each of our students performed.
Parents have waited and worried, wondering what will happen if the results aren’t what was required for their kids to take on the next challenge.
Success or failure are all relative and there are more important things than exam results. I have watched these young people grow in every way, make lifelong friends, get jobs, learn to drive, gain ambition and confidence, learn about people and the world and treat each other with openness, dignity and respect. Their teachers and all sorts of other people helped.
Back to exams: Many took the academic A Level subjects whilst others studied vocational courses in subjects such as Applied Science, Business and ICT. Many will have combined academic and vocational courses to best suit their career plans. The good news is that the year group have done well, some individuals remarkably so and most are very happy
Some qualifications will lead to full time employment and apprenticeships being taken up straight away. Many will be taking their results to universities around the UK. The ubiquitous Gap Year will entice a number.
Chauncy has an Outstanding Sixth Form and we carry through our policy of trying to give a place to all students as long as we have the right courses where they can achieve. Students who have worked with their teachers have done really well, achieving the results necessary to move on to first class apprenticeships, good jobs and places at their chosen universities. Some are now upgrading their choices based on their results. Of course, there are a minority of young people disappointed by their results but at 10.00am this morning all but one was able to pursue their chosen path.
Teaching staff waited, almost as nervously as the students, to see the results of their work and many of them will be celebrating the students’ success as theirs, too. We have again met government targets for the courses we offer. The support we provide means that no 18 year old is left without options.
A particular strength in our 6th Form is our non-teaching student manager, Jill Warner, who has helped, guided and encouraged the sixth formers though two difficult years. She is continuing to offer her compassionate, practical advice this morning.
So, as every year, we say goodbye to around 100 young people moving on in their lives. We are very proud of them and hope they will keep us informed of their successes. Personally, I hope they do change the world.
Dennis O’Sullivan (Headteacher)