Chauncy School Code of Conduct and Aims

The Chauncy Code of Conduct

The aims of the behaviour management policy are best represented in the Chauncy Code of Conduct:

  • We will act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times.
  • Teachers have the right to teach without disruption. Students have a right to learn without distraction. We must never prevent learning.
  • At Chauncy we show respect for ourselves, our fellow students, our staff and the wider School Community.
  • We must be honest with ourselves and with other people.
  • There must be no violence or unwanted physical contact in the school.
  • No bullying whether physical, verbal or mental will be tolerated.
  • We are all responsible for a clean and tidy school and we are all responsible for its appearance. Litter must always be placed in the bins provided.
  • Our reputation as a school depends on how the local community views us. Our appearance and behaviour make up the reputation of the school.
  • Good attendance and punctuality are vital if we are to achieve at Chauncy.
  • We are responsible for bringing the correct equipment. A pen, pencil, ruler and planner are the basic items needed each day.
  • We must follow the school rules without question. They are there to ensure we are safe at Chauncy and that we achieve our potential.

The Chauncy Code of Conduct is reviewed annually to reflect the changing needs of the school. Collaborative discussion between teaching and non teaching staff, the student
body, the student council, the senior leadership team and the governing body ensure that the Code of Conduct represents the views of the Chauncy community.

The Code of Conduct is visible in every classroom and is printed clearly in every student planner and staff handbook.


Chauncy School Aims

Chauncy School is committed to promoting student achievement. Our aims are:

  • to provide inspirational teaching and learning
  • to welcome students of all abilities, enabling each one to enjoy learning and achieve their very best
  • to be a learning centre within our community
  • to enable young people to become confident individuals who live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • to develop our young people as responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society