

A Level Results Day has been a nightmare for students, their parents and their teachers. It looks like 39% of grades were reduced, particularly in schools in working class areas.

Even Chauncy had 23% of grades reduced and we have an Ofsted designated outstanding 6th Form.

It’s a shame the students were not given a break and allowed to feel just a bit optimistic about their achievements and opportunities.

The good news is that A* and A grades increased by 4.7% in the independent sector.

The Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson has announced in The Daily Telegraph, “Increasing the A Level grades will mean a whole generation could end up promoted beyond their abilities” Gavin Williamson, sacked from his last post, is a senior government minister.

Students were awarded grades according to the achievements of different young people, in different years with sometimes different teachers.

If I had responsibility for this I would apologise personally to every student who has been downgraded.

As it is, we have helped a number of young people today and I am confident that most if not all university applicants will be successful.

To them, to those of you going to work and to those on the Gap Year trail, good luck in all you do.

New Term arrangements will not involve all Chauncy students in school every day.

I have been challenged by a senior government official on this and explained that we cannot keep 1200 students and 130 staff safe if they are all in school together.

We will now be regularly  reporting our arrangements to you starting today with the timetable of which year group will be in school which days.

Thursday 3rd September 2020

Year 7 and Year 12 only

Friday 4th September 2020

Years 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 only (no Year 8 or 9 – remote learning)

Monday 7th September 2020 – all week

Years 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 only (no Year 8 or 9 – remote learning)

Monday 14th September 2020 – all week

Year 7, 8, 9, 11 & 13 (no Year 10 & 12 – remote learning)

Please note that Year 7 classes start at 8.15am each morning.

The students all have their timetable of lessons and we will offer the full curriculum on the days they are in.

This includes all the practical lessons that many schools will be forced to sacrifice.

On days when they are not in school the lessons will take place remotely \ on-line \ zoomed according to the timetable.

I have a duty of care to students and staff and I will do everything I can, and ask others to do likewise, in order to provide the high quality education for which we have worked so hard.

I know you will have lots of questions and I will be emailing you all regularly next week.

Urgent questions to please.

Of course, government guidance will change, the virus may grow or decline and our arrangements will change to maintain safety and do the best we can.

Dennis O’Sullivan (Headteacher)