Exam Information

This page contains all relevant information regarding public examinations (GCSE and A Levels) and in-school mock exams at Chauncy School.   Important documentation and guidance from the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) are available as links at the bottom of this page.

Results for the Summer 2024 external exam season will be available to students on the following dates.

Thursday 15th August 2024 – A Level and L3 BTEC
Thursday 22nd August 2024

On these dates, students will be able to access their results on Edulink from 08:30 (scroll down for instructions). Students wishing to discuss their exam results will be able to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team in person on Results Day. Alternatively, urgent enquiries may be sent to the Exams Office at: exams@chauncy.org.uk

Please be aware, with the exception of Priority Service applications (for UCAS students only), post result enquires and applications will not be processed until the school re-opens in September.

Details of the Post Result services available to students, may be seen at the bottom of this page.


For any queries regarding exam entries, post results applications, or to arrange collection of your certificates, please contact the exams office.

This office is staffed Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 3:00pm term time only.

Email: exams@chauncy.org.uk

Mrs Jaqui Meli – Exams and Data Manager
Mrs Clair Lamprell – Exams Assistant and HR


Main exams season – All qualifications
GCSE Resit maths & English / Vocational Assessments / Oxbridge Admissions Testing
Vocational Assessments (BTEC and CNAT)


The written exams will take place as usual throughout May and June, with the final date nationally being 25th June 2024. External assessments for Art / Photography / Tech as well as MFL speaking exams and BTEC assessments will take place from April.

Individual student timetables are now available to view on Edulink.

An overall timetable for the Summer 2024 external exams at Chauncy is available to view at this link.

Chauncy External Exam Schedule 2024

The final published examination date on the JCQ common timetable for summer 2024 will be 25th June, with 26th June as a contingency day.


The November 2024 exam schedule will be published here in October.


The January 2024 External exam season has now closed. Results will be available to students from Thursday 21st March 2024


The main GCSE mocks for Year 11 will commence on Thursday 8th February 2024 for the two weeks either side of half-term. Individual student timetables for the Mocks series can be viewed on their Edulink

The Y13 Mock exams will commence on Monday 11th March. There are no individual timetables for this, so students should liaise with their subject tutor or with Mr Ardiles.

A general overview of the Mock Exam schedules can be seen below.

Year 11 Mock Timetable 2024
Year 13 Mock Timetable 2024


In order to access their results, students will need to log into their Edulink account on the relevant date for the season.

The results document will be visible on their dashboard page from 08:30 (see example below).

Edulink Dashboard

JCQ Post results Services booklet 2024 can be viewed here

See below for further information regarding services and fees.

Post Results Services Infographic – Available Services 2024
Awarding body Fees – Fees and dead-lines 2024
JCQ Post Results Booklet 2024 – JCQ Post Results 2024
Candidate Consent Form (review of marking) – Consent RoR
Candidate Consent Form (access to script only) –Consent ATS

Please be aware that any applications for review of marking /access to scripts / appeals, will not be processed until the school re-opens in the new Autumn term.

* Exception – “A” Level students wishing to request a priority review of marking for their university placement will need to contact the Exams Office in the first instance. Applications for priority reviews including the appropriate fee, must be completed no later than Thursday 22nd August.

Fees accompanying all Post Result applications should be made through Wisepay. Payment must be received before an application can be made to the exam board!


*Please note – ALL certificates must be collected in person and MUST be signed for by the candidate. Friends or relatives may collect and sign for certificates on a candidates behalf provided they bring a letter of authorisation with them (signed by the candidate).

Certificates from the Summer 2024 exam season should arrive at the end of October.

Leavers are invited to collect their certificates from the school any afternoon between 1pm and 3pm only. If you are unable to come during these hours, then please contact the exams office at exams@chauncy.org.uk to arrange an alternative time.

If someone is collecting certificates on your behalf, they will need to bring a copy of the form below (signed by the candidate).

Candidate consent form

Unclaimed Certificates
Students that have now left the school – please be aware that we are only required to keep these certificates for one year from their date of issue. These are important documents since they are the only proof of exam results – so don’t forget them! We will keep them here for a while, after which they may be returned to the exam board for shredding!


Exam policies may be accessed from the General School policies page here

Policies 2023-24