
CHRISTMAS LUNCH – TUES 8th and Wed 9th December 2015


This year Christmas dinner is taking a slightly different format. We have decided to spread Christmas dinner over two days. Dinner will be served in the hall and available on the following dates and times:

  • Years 7 & 8 will be on Tuesday 8th December at 1.00pm.
  • Years 9 to 13 will be on Wednesday 9th December at 1.00pm

The price of the ticket will be £3.50 and can be purchased from our Reception with cash or from the dining room by their Verricool account or cash. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 23rd November.

Deadline for purchasing your ticket is Wednesday 2nd December.

Children who receive free school meals still need to collect a ticket from the dining room.

Normal dining room service will be available for students not wishing to have the Christmas dinner.


Linda O’Neill (Catering manager)