Chauncy Passport

What is the Chauncy Passport?
The Chauncy passport is a system we use to give you a rounded experience of your life at school. At the end of each year, if you have met the required criteria, you will graduate.
The passport gives you plenty of opportunities that will help you to learn essential employability skills. The skills you will learn include; teamwork, dedication, organisation, accountability, time management, confidence, adaptability any many more.
What are the rewards?
Year 7 =800 house points Year 8 = 700 hour points Year 9 = 600 house points
Graduates will be invited to attend a reward trip, which will take place in July of each year:
Year 7 – Inflatables,
Year 8 – Ware Lido
Year 9 –TBC
What is included?
Attendance – Above 95%
Community Service – At least four hours of volunteering
Commitment to lessons – 90% A&B grades on each review
Independent learning (homework) – 90% A&B grades on each review
Extra curricular clubs – Attend a club regularly inside or outside of school