Careers Information
17th Jan – Junior Chef Academy
7th Feb – Stansted Airport Careers Fair
Careers Advice at Chauncy
- Finding A Job
- Apprenticeships
- Further Education
- Higher Education
- Careers Days
- Work Shadowing – A Guide for Students
- Which Way Now? – GCSE Options
- Mock Interview Day
- Sixth Form Careers
- Breakfast Meetings
- Parent/Student Presentations
Whatever your plans during school or when you come to leave, you will be offered advice and guidance to help you plan for your future. You will be encouraged to take responsibility for your own decisions and a team of advisers will be available to offer practical support throughout your time.
Our services include:
- A designated careers library with up-to-date information on all careers options
- Access to the Internet and a wide range of careers software
- Advice which is impartial and confidential
- Year 9 Which Way Now? – support on Option Choices
- Year 10 Work Shadowing week
- Year 12 Work Shadowing
- Whole School Careers Day
- Year 11 Mock Interview Day/Post 18 Talks by Connexions, University of Hertfordshire/Essex and Hertford Regional College
For more information and advice on finding a job, apprenticeship or further education please follow links below or contact by e-mail
We are always keen to expand our database of contacts/companies to help with various career activities during the year and would like to hear from any parents who may be able to help or know of anyone who would like to volunteer.
For up to date information about the Careers Curriculum at Chauncy School please click the links below.
Finding A Job
Jobs are found in many ways. Use your personal contacts, friends and family to find out about jobs. Look in local telephone directories, web business directories (such as, trade magazines in the library, employment agencies and so on. Keep looking in the local newspaper too for local companies moving to your area.
Here’s a quick “How Too” guide to applying for a job:
Step One
Find out which papers to read and where to look for vacancies. Students should read local newspapers, social media, visit Job Centres, ask Connexions for advice and send CV’s to business/organisations they are interested in. You could also check out job search website and ask family and friends. Don’t forget to “think outside the box” you may prefer to work further afield for example London. Prepare your CV and make a list of Employment Agencies and make appointments to visit them. Please visit our links which will take you to current vacancies and help/advice.
Step Two
Prepare your CV. This should ideally be one side of A4 with key information on, personal details, exam qualifications, work history and two references. Please click here for instructions on completing a CV and view a sample.
Step Three
Prepare an application letter. All Curriculum Vitae’s should be accompanied by a letter. Please click on the link below for instructions on writing a letter and a sample.
Useful Websites
- DirectGov
- Hertfordshire Mercury Jobs
- Youth Connexions Hertfordshire
- Indeed Jobs
- Reed Employment
- Social Media for Jobs
Apprenticeships are high quality work-based training programmes, ideal for young people who want to develop their career prospects.
Apprenticeships allow you to focus on a career area of your choice, train on the job and be paid as an employee whilst also studying for a nationally recognised vocational qualification – so you earn while you learn.
Course content will vary depending on the type of Apprenticeship or Advanced Apprenticeship undertaken. However, you will always gain the following: Practical experience related to your career; a level 3 Vocational Qualification (NVQ) at level 2 for Apprenticeships, or level 3 for an Advanced Apprenticeship and Level 4 for Higher /Degree Apprenticeships; Key Skills qualifications e.g. problem solving, team work, communication and technology; a technical certificate such as a BTEC National Diploma or City & Guilds award (included in most Apprenticeships). Your weekly balance of work will again depend on the type of Apprenticeship that you do and you may be required to study at home during evenings and weekends.
Entry requirements are flexible because Apprenticeships are not just based on academic achievement. We also take into account practical skills and your interest in the area of work you’ve chosen.
Where next?
You will have the opportunity to progress on to further education, with your employer’s support, to study a range of courses including a diploma or degree either part-time or full-time. You will be able to show an employer that you have the skills, qualifications and dedication to give you an edge in the job market. In the long term having an Apprenticeship should increase your chances of getting a good rate of pay and achieving promotion at work.
Your Questions answered here:
- Apprenticeships can be done when you finish school, but you can start one when you are aged 16-24. You must complete the apprenticeship by the age of 24.
- There is more funding for Training placements for 16-18 year olds.
- Your assessor will visit you in the work place
- An Apprenticeship can last between 1 and 4 years depending on the company.
- Once completed this can lead onto further qualifications or an Advanced Apprenticeship.
Q & A
How much will I get paid?
The National Minimum Wage for apprentices is £3.50 per hour. Many employers prefer to pay more however, and research shows that the average salary is approx £170 per week.
- Will I get holidays?
Annual leave is accrued over service
- Are there any entry requirements?
There are different entry grades for different occupations. Some employers may ask for GCSEs at C grade or higher including Maths and English, but you do not need formal qualifications.
- When should I apply?
Applications take place between November and April/May each year
- What qualifications will I get?
Depending on the level, Intermediate Level Apprenticeships are a Level 2, Advanced Level Apprenticeships are a Level 3 Competence Qualification and High Apprenticeships are a Level 4 and in some cases a Foundation Degree.
- Will I be employed?
Most are ’employed status’
- How do I apply?
Online application, paper based form, approaching employers directly.
- Do I have to go for an interview/assessment test?
You will be asked to attend an interview with the employer & training provider, while some occupational areas will set an assessment test these are generally done though the National Apprenticeship website.
Please click on the available links opposite for more information on how to apply:
Please click on the Real Apprenticeship links below to find out more about specific subjects.
- Business Administration
- electro Technical Installation
- Health Social Care
- Sports Turf
- Customer Services
- Hairdressing
- Information Technology
- Vehicle Maintenance
Further Education
Some students decide to stay on at 6th Form but others decide on an alternative route. Here you will find links to our local Colleges and their up to date courses available.
Mentors and Careers Co-ordinator have a central role in offering advice and helping students to plan ahead at every stage of the application process to further education, apprenticeships or 6th Form. Their role underpins and supports the formal programme of events which School organises in order to provide students with information and advice about progression to the next stage.
The programme includes:
Useful Websites
- Hertford Regional College
- Harlow College
- North Hertfordshire College
- Oaklands College
- Not Going To Uni
Higher Education
There is also support on all aspects of the Higher Education application process, from the initial research, finding the right course and deciding where to apply, the online application process, mock interviews, through to accepting an offer and applying for finance and accommodation. Please speak to Head of 6th Form Mr Pablo Ardiles or 6th Form Manager Mrs Jill Warner. Students can also apply for Foundation Degrees based at College so again, please see links for college prospectus.
Useful Websites
Careers Days at Chauncy
Careers Day – Year 7
Year 7s enjoy a carousel of STEM activities based on scientific/engineering tasks. Students are able to use their maths skills to find out how to build the tallest tower, they become creative by building their own bacteria models, mouldy mugs and marble mazes and their expert skills by designing different products by using k’necks and coding.
Careers Day – Year 8
Year 8s enjoy a the “Apprentice”. Working in teams they had to find out their strengths for various company positions and hold formal meetings to discuss the days plan. The Marketing Managing, Quality Control Manager and the Finance Officer then attend workshops to establish what the job entails and to take what they have learnt back to their team to help them produce products of good quality and eventually bringing their team and products to the hall and getting ready to pitch. As Sir Alan Sugar was unfortunately not available Mr Dennis O’Sullivan is keen to step in to do the hiring and firing. Products that are pitched to the panel include Clocks, Bottle Badges, keyrings, candles and jewellery to name but a few. The final is between two teams. The prize is a trip to Kidzania for an Enterprise Day. Students then hold a bazaar to sell their products the next day.
Careers Day – Year 9
Year 9s have an introductory day for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Half the day is spent orienteering around the Ware area following maps and having designated check points while the other half of the day is spent at Harlow Outdoor Centre taking part in activities such as raft building, dragon boat racing, mountain boarding, archery and the climbing wall. All enjoy a fantastic day even the staff have a go and it teaches the students about team work and learning new skills.
Work Shadowing – A Guide for Students
Here are various pages relating to our Work Shadowing placement scheme which all Year 10 students take part in for a week. The following pages are available:
- Searching for a Placement
- Sample application letter to employers
Students should try to organise their own work experience. Having said this,if all avenues have been exhausted the school can assist in searching for a placement. Students are welcome to drop in to the Careers Centre (in the Connexions Room) which is open every lunch time for support in all careers related matters including work experience and all day Wednesdays. Obviously it cannot be guaranteed that all students will be able to get exactly what they want but we will do my best in the time and using the resources that we have! Please try and be as realistic and flexible as possible.
Arranging work shadowing can be difficult as often there is strong competition for placements from students from Chauncy and other schools. Often employers respond more positively to students who contact them directly as opposed to school attempting to reserve places. Act now to avoid disappointment.
Students should remember the following points in particular:
- The real value lies in the general experience of working life rather than the specific job-related tasks.
- It could help in career choice but it is unlikely to lead to a job offer.
- An extremely high standard of behaviour is expected. Reports of misconduct are treated with great concern.
- During the placement, in most respects (except pay) they will be treated as young workers by employers and the school cannot exercise its normal supervisory role. Vetting of employers’ insurance will be coordinated through school. Please note that all placements must have both Employers Liability Insurance and Public Liability Insurance; the school does not organise insurance.
Parents should return their Referral Request form to the Careers Co-ordinator by end of November. The information provided will help the Careers Co-ordinator to support students and speed up the work experience process. If students fail to return a Referral Request Form a placement will be allocated by the school if possible, otherwise students will be expected to attend school as usual.
This is a superb opportunity for children to gain some valuable skills and experience in the world of work and we are most grateful for parental support. The school has been greatly encouraged by the positive feedback received from employers in recent years. We are fully expecting similar reports this year.
Please click on links below for current letters and Referral Request Form and various organisations who offer work experience.
- Work Shadowing Request Form
- Work Shadowing Letter to Parents
Searching for a Work Experience Placement
This isn’t difficult as long as you are motivated and well organised. But just like searching for a real job you might have to approach more than one employer. Don’t get put off if the first ones you contact say “No”. If you get cracking early you will get the widest choice of placements.
Step One– Choose the sort of place you would like to go to:
- This doesn’t have to be related to the sort of career you think you want. It’s a great opportunity to try something that most people expect expect you to do like girls going into engineering or plumbing or boys doing primary school teaching or hairdressing. The main thing is to get a good experience of an adult work environment, being there on time, being polite etc..
- Think about the sort of environment you might want to experience, for example, indoors – office, primary school, shop, factory, or outdoors – forest!
- Also think about what type of work you want to do, for example, office work, retail, practical work, childcare, food preparation.
- You should also discuss your placement ideas with your parents/carers so they can give you ideas, advice, support and encouragement.
- Visit for details of 100s of different jobs.
- Use the school careers software (eg. KUDOS).
- Many students want placements in hospitals, modelling agencies, TV/radio studios, football clubs – you might be lucky, but don’t bet on it. You stand a much better chance of being offered a placement if you have friends or family working in these fields. If you are keen – go for it! Approach these early so, if you aren’t lucky, you can still try for something else.
Step Two – Finding out what’s available:
- You will be responsible for arranging your own placement with an employer. The sooner you start making enquiries the more likely you are to get the kind of work experience you want.
- Approved Employer Database. This is available at the Careers Centre. Check this first, as there may already be employers offering the sort of placement you want.
- Ask parents/carers or family friends. Many work experience placements are arranged by people we know.
- Telephone local employers. Before you phone, plan what you are going to say and what you need to ask. Have a pen and paper ready to write down what you are told and what you may need to do next:Ask to speak to someone about work experience and take the name of the person who you speak to.
- Explain who you are and which school you attend.
- Say why you are interested in the type of work the company is involved in and that you would like to learn more by spending your work experience placement with them.
- Know the dates of your work experience week.
- Know how the employer can contact you with an answer (telephone, email or letter).
- Be cheerful, polite and clear.
- The employer will probably want you to put your request in writing (see below). It takes guts to phone – the employer will appreciate it!
- You might have to complete an application form and be interviewed, just as you might if you were applying for paid work.
- Write a letter. This may be hand-written or word-processed but it must be clear and well set out. Include why you want to do work experience with that particular employer and what you hope to gain from it. Use this link for a sample letter to employer asking for work experience.
Step Three – When you have found a placement
Let the Careers Co-ordinator at the Careers Centre know by returning the Referral Request Form and if you don’t manage to find a placement, ask her for help during lunch time or on a Wednesday in the Connexions Room.
Useful Websites:
- BBC Work Experience
- John Lewis Careers
- The Geological Society
- Vinspired
- Princes Trust
- Volunteering Herts
- Time Bank
Which Way Now?
Year 9 students have the opportunity of receiving Career advice during their Citizenship lessons. These lessons last for 6 weeks and help the students decide what options may be best for them. These lessons are held prior to option evening held in February.
During this time students find out about:
- Getting started
- Choosing the right options
- Thinking ahead
- Confirming your choices
Year 9 Careers Carousel
Year 9 students participate in a Careers Carousel where they each have an opportunity to meet four representatives of different careers and to spend ten minutes discussing career options with each of them. There are 32 volunteers from areas including the police, banking, electrical, pharmaceutical, photography, graphic design, landscape gardening and the construction industry to name but a few. With the help of Kudos, an online careers guidance and information program, the students have been able to select representatives for a career they are most interested in to speak to on the day.
Useful Websites:
- Kudos Cascaid
- CareersBox
- iCould
- National Careers Service
- Career Pilot
Mock Interview Day
Year Eleven Mock Interview Interviews with Employers
The opportunity for students to have a mock interview with an employer is a valuable experience which really helps them prepare for “the real thing”. We have run these interview days for many years and they have proved to be an enjoyable and useful experience for both students and employers who, of course, make these days possible for which we are very grateful.
Year 11 students are required to come into school between 9.00am and 12.30pm for not only their Interview but a Carousel of Talks given by various organisations. During the morning students are required to turn up 15 minutes prior to the interview in smart dress code.
Year 11 Mock Interviews runs as follows:
- Each Student completes a Curriculum Vitae and a letter of application for a job they may be interested in. (Chauncy has a bank of positions for the students to choose from). This happens during PSHE lessons in October/November. Please click here – Finding A Job Leaflet to find out more about writing a letter of application and CV.
- All letters and CV’s are checked by PSHE teachers before they are submitted to Mrs Farley for distribution.
- All letters and CVs will be forwarded by mail to the interviewer before the mock interview day.
- Students do not often prepare for such areas as commercial awareness, body language, etc during interviews but DVD’s etc will be on offer to help students beforehand. Students are advised that questions posed may be drawn from the information provided in their CV/letter of application.
- Each session is 20 minutes long followed by feedback. Feedback is recorded on a form and returned to the student after the event.
Students should be encouraged to ask questions during the interview and the interviewer may give useful tips after the interview.
Sixth Form Careers
Whatever your plans for after the Sixth Form, you will be offered advice and guidance to help you plan for your future. You will be encouraged to take responsibility for your own decisions and a team of advisers will be available to offer practical support throughout your time in the Sixth Form.
Your Careers team includes: Pablo Ardiles (Head of 6th Form), Jill Warner (6th Form Manager), Karen Gray (Careers Co-ordinator) and your Mentor.
Our services include:
- A designated careers library with up-to-date information on all careers options
- Access to advice and guidance from careers advisers with the opportunity to request careers interviews at any stage of Sixth Form
- Access to the Internet and a wide range of careers software
- Advice which is impartial and confidential
- Breakfast Meetings
- 6th Form Student/Parent Talks
For more information and advice on Careers please e-mail Karen Gray (Careers Co-ordinator).