Curriculum Subject Pages
Chauncy School – Curriculum Statement of Intent
Chauncy School is committed to promoting student achievement. Our aims are:
- to provide inspirational teaching and learning, underpinned by a broad, ambitious, responsive and dynamic curriculum
- to welcome students of all abilities, enabling each one to enjoy learning and achieve their very best
- to be a learning centre within our community
- to enable young people to become confident individuals who live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- to develop our young people as responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
The curriculum at Chauncy
- promotes the aims of the school
- ensures that all learners are given equality of opportunity in learning
- promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students
- offers flexibility and choice, thereby personalising the learning experience of each student
- responds to the needs and aspirations of the students and government priorities
- promotes adaptive teaching, informed by on-going assessment of learning, supporting, stretching and challenging students of all abilities and backgrounds
- broadens and builds students’ knowledge, understanding and skills whilst promoting their abilities to learn for themselves and develop self esteem
- recognises that we are educating the whole person, preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in modern Britain
- promotes the development of reading, writing and communication skills
- provides appropriate arrangements for assessment, recording and reporting of achievement
- encourages students to develop their interests and talents through involvement in voluntary extra-curricular activities
- recognises the role of parents as partners in the education of their children, facilitating the involvement of parents in the learning process and ensuring effective communication about the progress of their children
- is organised in such a way as to provide value for money, ensuring sensible and economic use of the financial resources of the school.
- is continually monitored, evaluated and developed in response to student need and government priorities, implemented through the self-evaluation process and the School Development Plan
Key Stages 3 and 4
Students are taught by highly qualified subject specialists in accordance with the National Curriculum which can be accessed by clicking on the following link: NATIONAL CURRICULUM
The Key Stage 3 programmes of study can be found at
The curriculum structure for each year group in 2024/25 for the fortnight is shown in the grid below:
Year Seven & Eight
Year Nine
Year Ten & Eleven
The study of Art and Design at Key Stage 3 includes Fine Art, Photography, 3D Art, Ceramics and Textiles. Design Technology involves the study of Food and Resistant Materials.
Students joining the school in Year 7 are able to choose which modern foreign language they wish to pursue. They can choose between French and Spanish.
The Key Stage 3 programmes of study can be found on the curriculum pages here:
Students in Key Stage 4 study a core curriculum of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), History or Geography (or both), PE and PSHRE (Personal, Social, Health and Religious Education). After guidance and discussions with parents, students are able to choose from a wide range of subjects that will develop their individual interests and talents, and provide a strong foundation for further study and progression towards a career.
As an academy, we are afforded a certain amount of flexibility with the curriculum and we are able to offer specific personalised learning opportunities to our students. As such, students in Year 8 are invited to choose one option subject to study in Year 9. Subjects offered at this stage are those that the students have already experienced allowing for an informed decision. Details of the process can be found on our Year Eight Options Website
Students choose their final three options as they move from Year 9 into Year 10. In Year 9 students participate in a carousel of taster lessons in those subjects that do not form part of the KS3 curriculum. Once again this allows them to make informed decisions when choosing option subjects. Details of this process can be found on our Year Nine Options Website
Students are taught in general ability groups from the start of Year 7 for the majority of subjects, with mixed ability groupings in PE, Technology, and Art and Design. Grouping by general ability is replaced by setting in Maths and Modern Foreign Languages in Years 8 and 9. In Years 10 and 11, students are taught in sets for English, Maths, Science, with setting in other subjects where this is deemed appropriate.
Promoting Rapid Progress
The starting point for promoting rapid progress is high quality teaching throughout the curriculum. Further to this we employ a wide range of strategies to ensure that all students achieve the challenging goals that we set. At Key Stage 3 these include:
- A summer school for the new intake, offering students an exciting but realistic induction into learning at Chauncy. Students join Year 7 knowing our routines and expectations.
- Compulsory participation in Literacy and Numeracy ‘catch up’ programmes.
- The employment of additional staff, where possible, to create small groups in English, Maths, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, History and Geography.
At Key Stage 4, an extensive range of intervention strategies are employed to ensure that students achieve their very best. These include:
- The employment of additional staff, where possible, to create small groups in English, Maths, Science and other key areas.
- Sharp monitoring of student progress leading to a rolling programme of small group intervention.
- After school, lunch time and holiday revision sessions.
The promotion of SMSC through the curriculum, our programme of assemblies, RE, Citizenship and PSHE is supported by strong community links that enable students to develop an awareness of the needs of others and make a positive contribution.
Sex and Relationships
Sex education is taught through certain elements of the national curriculum, such as science, RE and physical education. Drop down curriculum days incorporating theatre groups, workshops and classroom activities ensure that students are given the opportunity to explore such issues as birth control, sexual health, relationships, health and hygiene, and associated moral issues.
Key Stage 5
Our dynamic 6th form curriculum responds to the needs of students and the changing nature of the world of work and study. We are able to employ an inclusive approach to 6th form entry by offering a wide range of academic and vocational pathways. Based upon Key Stage 4 results and students’ goals and ambitions, students are guided towards the pathway that will enable them to maximise their full potential. Full details of the 6th form curriculum can be found on our Sixth Form Options Website .