Dates of school terms for the academic year 2025 – 2026
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2025
- Wednesday 3rd September – INSET DAY – STAFF ONLY
- Thursday 4TH September – Years 7s and 12s only
- Friday 5th September – Whole school in
- AUTUMN HALF TERM – 27TH October to 31st October
- Thursday 27th November – INSET DAY school closed
- Friday 28th November – OCCASIONAL DAY school closed
- Friday 19TH December – End of term (1:30 finish)
Spring Term 2026
- Monday 5th January – Start of Spring Term
- SPRING HALF TERM – 16TH February to 20th February
- Friday 27th March – End of Spring Term (1:30 finish)
Summer Term 2026
- Monday 13th April – Start of Summer Term
- Monday 4th May – BANK HOLIDAY
- SUMMER HALF TERM – 25TH May to 29th May
- Thursday 9th July – Year 6 Induction Day
- Tuesday 21st July – Last day of the Summer Term (1:30 finish)
- Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd July – INSET DAYS school closed
Regular and punctual attendance at school is vital to ensure continuity of your child’s education. Any absence from school must be explained by a letter or e-mail from the parent on the pupil’s return to school. Parents are asked to note the following information:
Authorised Absences
Under section 1 of the Education Act 1993, a pupil’s absence may be treated as unauthorised if not covered by the following:
- By reason of sickness or any unavoidable cause
- On a day exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which his or her parents belong
- With leave granted by a person (e.g. the Headteacher) authorised to do so by the Governing Body of the school
According to the DFEE circular 11/91, there are other circumstances in which the Headteacher might reasonably exercise discretion to grant leave, including:
- Following the death of a member of the child’s close family
- When attending an interview with another educational establishment
- When attending an unavoidable medical or dental appointment
Leave of Absence
Head teachers should only authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. If a head teacher grants a leave request, it will be for the head teacher to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school. Leave is unlikely, however, to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday as a norm.
Head teachers should not grant leave of absence unless in exceptional circumstances. The application must be made in advance and the head teacher must be satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances which warrant the leave. Where a leave of absence is granted, the head teacher will determine the number of days a pupil can be away from school. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the head teacher’s discretion.
If a school does not authorise a leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday but the parents still take the child out of school, or the child is kept away for longer than was agreed, the absence is unauthorised. The regulations do not allow schools to give retrospective approval. If the parents did not apply for leave of absence in advance, the absence must be recorded as unauthorised.
Parents have a legal duty to make sure that their child aged 5-16, if registered at a school, attends that school regularly. If taking an unauthorised term time holiday is grounds for issuing a penalty notice according to the local authority’s code, and if the leave of absence for holiday was not authorised by the school, either the school or the local authority may issue a penalty notice.
School attendance – Statutory guidance and departmental advice (DfE August 2013)
Rates of authorised and unauthorised absence for pupils of compulsory school age 2023 – 2024:
The total number of registered pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one session of the reporting period to the Friday before the last Monday in May = 1225
Total number on roll, including 6th Form = 1490
Percentage of half days (sessions) attended throughout the period = 92.7%
Percentage of half days (sessions) missed through authorised absence = 6.1%
Percentage of half days (sessions) missed through unauthorised absence = 1.2%
Rates of authorised and unauthorised absence for pupils of compulsory school age 2022 – 2023:
The total number of registered pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one session of the reporting period to the Friday before the last Monday in May = 1201
Total number on roll, including 6th Form = 1401
Percentage of half days (sessions) attended throughout the period = 93.5%
Percentage of half days (sessions) missed through authorised absence = 5.5%
Percentage of half days (sessions) missed through unauthorised absence = 1%